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Blog: Muay Thai Nerds

How to apply for Long-stay DTV Muay Thai Visa
The DTV Muay Thai Visa is a new type of tourist visa designed to make it easier for students of Muay Thai to train in Thailand long-term....
Mar 8

EXCLUSIVE: Keep in Mind, Fundamentals are Forever
US-based Muay Thai instructor Danny Terrell offers his insight and wisdom for successful training – and his words are eternal.
Oct 21, 2023

Chop Down an Opponent, One Low Kick at a Time
The Muay Thai low kick is a devastating technique. But according to senior trainer Kru Keng, it takes more than a strong pair of shins.
Oct 5, 2023

EXCLUSIVE: The Golden Elbows of a Muay Sok Fighter
Incapacitating elbow strikes helped Nathan "Carnage" Corbett become one of the most dangerous Muay Thai fighters of all time.
Oct 4, 2023

Number of Fights is What Counts in Muay Thai - Not Wins and Losses
In Muay Thai, what really counts is how many fights a fighter has had. Not wins and losses, like in boxing. Why is that?
May 24, 2023

Setting Up Muay Thai Knockouts by Selling a Story
The most successful Muay Thai fighters set up their knockouts by creating traps for their opponents.
Apr 17, 2023

The Multiple Benefits of Muay Thai Padwork
Padwork is arguably the most important aspect of Muay Thai training because it is where everything you learn comes together.
Mar 16, 2023

Could this be Koh Phangan's Fastest Leg Kick Knockout?
Muay Thai fighter Phet Eak destroyed his opponent with leg kicks in under 40 seconds!
Jan 13, 2023

Kru Keng has still got it!
In November 2022, Kru Keng who is one of the senior trainers at Chinnarach Muay Thai was asked (with only two hours' notice) to fight one...
Jan 13, 2023

Developing Muay Khao (knee-fighter) style
Muay Khao is a perhaps the most feared of the fighting styles. These fighters specialize in applying overbearing and relentless pressure,...
Jan 13, 2023

Muay Thai and Gambling
Anyone who has watched a Muay Thai fight will have noticed the particularly loud and animated crowd on one side of the ring. They are the...
Dec 13, 2022

How Muay Thai fights are scored in Thailand
Almost everyone who watches Muay Thai fights in Thailand has at some point been confused why a decision went a certain way. This is...
Dec 8, 2022

Muay Thai fighting styles explained
If you watch a lot of Muay Thai fights, you will notice that some fighters always clinch, knee and elbow if they have the chance, and...
Dec 8, 2022
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